What is Sera Reading? The Magician By Colm Toibin

The Magician is an historical fiction account of the life and times of Thomas Mann and his family.

What Is Sera Reading? Fairy Tale by Stephen King

Charlie Reade is a regular seventeen-year-old American until a tragic accident claims his mother’s life and his father sinks into alcohol trying to cope. It is when the darkness of reality gets its own little miracle a fantasy becomes reality. An act of chance and kindness leaves Charlie with the keys to a magical world hidden under our own reality. He then has to fight to protect our world and right the wrongs within the other.

What Is Sera Reading? Queen of Coin and Whispers by Helen Corcoran

When Xania and Lia fall for each other, their feelings collide with their expected paths in life: duty and vengeance.

What’s Joshua Reading? The Sandman by Neil Gaiman

Right from the outset our hero has the biggest fall of his eternity. how will he get free and return to his kingdom.